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10 Ways to Engage Your Dog Indoors 

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Finding creative methods to engage your dog might be more tiring than actually getting up and doing it. Keeping your dog entertained can be a struggle if you are concerned about your pet being bored and sluggish. We have your back! It may be challenging to engage your dog indoors, but this may be easily remedied in a number of ways. Keeping your dog active and interested is essential if you want to keep them healthy. 

Here’s how to engage your dog with 10 indoor activities

dog finding hidden treats at home to engage your dog
A good way to engage your dog is to engage their nose. Nothing motivates them better than the smell of treats!

1. Hidden treats 

Hidden snacks are analogous to the game of hide and seek. Dog treats are concealed in different places. The game also helps it develop its pooching abilities as they search for food. Additionally, the dog’s ability to detect concealed rewards is improved. Stash the obvious food items, but make sure there’s something more in there that’s worth hunting for. It’s a fun way to keep your dog engaged in the game. 

Make sure you have a variety of snacks on hand to keep the scent interesting. In order to make locating the treat a challenge, you need to keep changing the hiding spots. Remember, there are treats and certain food that dogs can and cannot eat!

golden retriever playing tug of war indoors
Playing tug-of-war with your dog keeps them engaged during their playtime.

2. Tug-of-war 

Tug-of-war has been around for a long time. Two teams compete in a tug-of-war by pulling on opposing ends of a rope. Playing with your dog while indoors at home is a lot of fun. If you have more than one dog of the same breed, the pastime is much more enjoyable. However, if you have one dog, you may play the role of its adversary. 

Because it takes up so little room, tug-of-war is an excellent indoor game for dogs. It’s also worth noting that tug-of-war will not make your dog hostile. However, you must be careful to prevent any potential injury. 

3. An obstacle course 

A dog obstacle course is unquestionably the ideal indoor dog exercise if we want to keep them entertained. In order to play this game, you will need a number of items, which are generally already in your home.

Chairs, tables, and dog tunnels are among the most prevalent obstacles in this game. Your dog’s ability to leap, go under, and circle around makes this indoor dog exercise so enjoyable. Celebrate the pet’s successes. 

A dog’s breed dictates the type and size of the obstacles. The larger the dog, the bigger you need to build the obstacles. If you have a small breed like a Cavoodle, your pet would be best suited for smaller obstacles. 

4. Shell game 

Some canine activities need a large amount of room, which cannot be found in an enclosed environment. However, playing the shell game gets them thinking and is a great way to engage your dog at home. 

You place a reward, in one of the multiple cups, usually two or three. Make sure the dog is keeping an eye on everything. Slowly reorganize the cups making sure your furbaby is watching. Finally, let the dog discover the cup with the goodie on his own. Every time your dog gets it right, reward them with cuddles. 

5. Playing hide-and-seek 

One of the most popular activities to engage your dog is hiding and seeking. The rules of this game are simple for the dog to understand.

The game may greatly enhance your dog’s ability to detect scents and movement. Moreover, it strengthens your relationship your pet. Make it difficult each round for the dog to locate you. Every time your dog finds you, compliment your dog to keep their motivation and make the game fun. 

dog practicing obedience skills from pet owner who wants to engage her dog
Engage your dog more effectively with obedience skills. Hit two birds with one stone!

6. Practice obedience skills 

Isn’t it time you honed your dog’s fundamental obedience abilities? Indoor dog exercises that don’t need specific equipment include practicing obedience skills. It may take some time, but it’s worth it in the long run. 

You may use simple instructions like heel, sit, stay, wait, and high-five, to teach your dog basic obedience. However, you may be asking yourself, “How can I keep my dog entertained for hours on end with simple commands?” You may choose to reward the dog for every success while repeating it again and again. This allows them to recognize a routine.

For pet owners who have minimal space, practicing obedience skills is a great activities to keep your dog engaged.

7. Fetching items indoors

You don’t have to be out in the sun to enjoy fetch. If playing outdoors is impractical, you may play this game inside as well. 

Fetching back and forth encourages them to keep the game rolling. You can also practice obedience skills to teach them to fetch certain things to create communication. For instance, dogs can learn to fetch their food bowls to tell you that they are hungry. This is an effective way of hitting two birds with one stone!

8. Food toying 

If you’re working but leaving a pet at home, toys that dispense food are a good idea. While you’re at work, your pet may play with these stimulating toys. You can fill some dog treats in the toy and not worry about leaving them hungry. Some dispensers require the dog to either push or pull. Check which best suits your dog.

dog running on a pet treadmill for exercise
Exercise can engage your dog both physically and mentally.

9. Use pet training equipment 

Pets, like people, have their own set of training aids. Scientists are beginning to recognize the critical role of using pet training equipment to improve a dog’s well-being. The sort and frequency of play that a dog engages in may help gauge their quality of life. 

Treadmills and agility tunnels are two popular pieces of pet training equipment. At first, your dog could be a little apprehensive. Allow your dogs to adjust and get used to it and they will eventually have themselves a good time. However, pet training equipment may be pricey and take up a lot of room in a small space. 

10. Pet surveillance

You probably see it on social media some videos of pet owners checking in through camera surveillance. It’s a good idea to engage your dog if you set up a CCTV camera, one that allows you to speak. Dogs will respond to your voice and it’s almost always one of the cutest moments to watch. It’s also a way for you to find out how your dogs actually entertain themselves when you aren’t around. And while on this topic, here’s a video treat of an adorable pup playing with a toy, caught on CCTV footage. This would perhaps encourage you to get your own CCTV as well!

Engage your dog while engaging in their health

They get into trouble when their boredom gets the better of them. As their primary form of amusement, they’ll come up with their own pastimes if we don’t offer them anything to do. 

Playing with your dog on a regular basis might help prevent destructive behaviors like excessive barking and chewing. It’s essential to ensure that their well-being is protected both physically and mentally. Insuring your dog is a good way to protect them. Why not find out if Knose Pet Insurance is the one for you and your pet? Get a quote under two minutes and you’ll see why we make an excellent choice.

If you’re still unsure what works for your dog, feel free to reach our Pet Health Hotline. Our registered team of vet nurses can advise you on your concerns. We also have more tips on pet training, pets at home, and pet wellness in our blog.

*Post by Mia Tay in collaboration with Knose Pet Insurance.

Klarisse Galido - Editor in chief of Knose Pet Insurance

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Klarisse Galido

As the content curator of Knose, Klarisse is all about blending vet advice, practical pet tips, and stories from the pet-loving community. Her passion for pets brings to life the everyday joys and challenges of pet ownership.

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